Tuesday 24 February 2015

Off the Map: Part 4

This week we carried on making our level and after the success of last weeks test we have moved to create most of the beginning of the game. Our character artists have been making the numerous encounters the player will find while me and my fellow engine artist have been at it creating the interactivity of the game and creating assets for the environment.

We have had some group troubles with our fifth member but these have been addresses now and as a group we should be able to move on. So far I have mentioned some of the visual progress on the project but this week I spend more time in engine so I thought I would talk more about that side of things.

As part of the two man engine team I have been focused more on making camera volumes and trigger volumes that work with matinees and triggering particle effects. For example I have made a blueprint that allows the camera to be locked to one point and rotate to follow the player whilst in the volume. This means we can make the scene have a more cinematic approach. I also made some trigger volumes that spawn particles when the player walks through them. this is used so that when Alice walks through and lands on piles of sticks at the bottom of the well some leaves pop up.

I have also made the camera sway and lag behind the player so there is always a constant flow to the movement of the game. I have also made the Cheshire cat puzzle section where a bridge is missing from a ravine and you have to ask help from the cat. He then moves himself to become the bridge.

I have now past on the engine files back to my teammate and began production on the many 3D assets for the level, starting off with trees.

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