Tuesday 24 February 2015

Off the Map and how Container City has effected it.

Even though it has been 3 weeks since I finished the last project I think I have also had also had time to reflect more on what I have learnt during that project and how its affecting my Off the Map progress.

During the Container City Project I was part of the lighting, blueprint, particle and population side of things. with a higher focus on engine work then modelling and as such I learnt a thing or two about how blueprints and timelines work. This has effected the position I play in this project as I have been even more involved in the engine side of things. I enjoy the new tools I am learning and think it is interesting but I still also feel that I'm loosing too much of the art in the project. I have decided that this upcoming week as I am making 3D assets that i will try to reconnect with the art side of the project more through environment concepts and the modelling so that when I return to engine I can focus on population.

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