Tuesday 24 February 2015

Off the Map: Part 2

For the off the map competition we have been put into groups so we can make a larger scale project together. This meant that this project could be much bigger with a high quality of work as well. I have been fortunate enough to have been placed in a group with strong artists, each with their own specialty meaning that we can work well together to create each part of the game.

We started the project looking with basic brain storming of where we could take the game and what art style we could take. As a group we discussed and mind mapped where we could take the project. While the actual brief set by the British Library is very open the course put on some restrictions for its students so it was more focused to what we study.

Part of this brief was to make the entry a side scroller game and while this got changed to be any sort of 3D game our group decided to keep with the side scroller element taking inspiration from such side scrollers as Trine, Rayman Legends, Limbo and Ori. In terms of art style we wanted to reflect the fantastical and otherworldly wonderland with a painterly style that is slightly stylized. Similar to Bioshock infinite but also have references to the John Tenniel illustrations which have defined the books for generations. If the amazing prints that he made were replicated in game we feel like we would have payed tribute in part to what made the books great.

We started by making moodboards and reading the books. I decided a good way of linking the two so as a group we could visualize the story was to make qa moodboard with all the original illustrations in chronological order and the moodboard pictures beneth.

We also did some other concepts while two of the teammates made 3D blockouts. While me and 2 other teammates painted some concepts for the project.

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