Tuesday 24 February 2015

Off the Map: Part 3

Okay so the second week of the Off the Map competition project had us making more concepts with me doing a number of different jobs for the group. Because of my experience with engine on previous projects and my art knowledge I have been involved in both technical and visual aspects of the project also allowing me to link the two sections together. I spend the week mainly drawing up assets for the project. Becasue its a large project there has to be as much production straight away.

As a group we decided that some sections of the game would be 2D ink sections to replicate the feel of the john tenniel illustrations. This would be at the beginning and the very end. The transition will be that wonderland is so vivid and the assets in it will be 3D and colorful while the real world is boring and flat.

As a test of this idea I decided to make the short end section of the game which would be made in this 2D planar fashion.

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