Monday 23 March 2015

Off the Map Part 9

The next part of the project was starting to see how the many trees I had made in engine would be placed, along with the extra foliage I had been making. This was combining the lighting, assets and engine together to create a scene and some good looking set pieces. This would be a long process and is still not near being finished especially as more assets are being made and new features introduced. Setting up each environment so it has its beauty shot is quite fun and testing how you can make the composition of a level read is quite an interesting task because the challenge with it being a game is the player has some control where to go and therefore what to look at.

This also takes a more refined design and concept and I think that any trouble I have with this will either be from technical problems or that there isn't enough of a concept for that scene. I will be making more concept shots for this project from now on. Starting with composition sketches and then working through to a polished piece. This shows that I have to do alot more concepts in my project and think more about how this will work in engine.

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