Wednesday 2 April 2014

Digital Painting update

If you remember a couple of weeks ago I had the reef character project where I did enjoy some aspects but during the project I stumbled when it came to digital painting. Since then I've been doing a bit more digi painting and in such a short time I have noticed a slight improvement which is encouraging and I know I need to do more if I want to get good. I'm still having some trouble with colors so I'm going to read up some books on color theory and start doing simple paintings that are more about color then shape or form, so lots of seascapes is a good idea because I can get used to getting color right and also brush types and what kind of brush is best for me.

I have been seeking the advice of some of my peers who are very talented at digital panting and so far have received many opposing views for a beginner like me so I coming to a conclusion that many have sort have figured it out by themselves and it's a very personal journey. Some say find brush that suits you, others to only stick to the standard default brush until i'm more knowledgeable. Many different techniques are being thrown my way and I'm not quite sure where to go.

Just because i'm confused it doesn't mean that I can't try things out anyway. I recently did a digital piece of a still from the film Blade Runner this was just a grey scale but I was taking more time to blend the strokes to make the values work.

I've also done some color thumbnails for the recent Bradgate project. I had some trouble with color and changed brushes so I could try different ways of working.

I'm quite happy with my progress but I still realize that I have along way to go.

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