Friday 4 April 2014

Bradgate Revisit (Another "How Far Have I Come?")

I know I have already done a post about how I've improved both over time in the space centre post and digitally in the blade runner digi paint post but I wanted to make one which ties it all together in a neat little packet and sets up the scene for my future over Easter, the Game Art course and my career in general.

Bradgate park is one seriously cool place just outside of Leicester and it is a place universally known for its amazing views and nature throughout the Game Art course here at DMU. It is ritual for first and second years to take trips there for their visual design work, to see the sights and do some epic art. I've always enjoyed this place and taken many trips there outside of lessons to explore the awesome landscape and draw some drawings. I've seen some pretty awesome views there that will stay with me for a long time.

In October our year visited the park and did the standard project some which consisted of thumbnails and a final. Here are some of the pictures that I came out with.

 After that I redid the project over the Christmas holidays. At that time I couldn't use Bradgate because I was back home but I am lucky enough to live in the heart of the Cotswolds and I have an epic view outside my window. Over this period I used some carbon pencils as well which have a slightly different effect but I know my rendering was improved and I captured this dark, tortured, cloudy sky. Here is a selection of what I produced.

My bedroom looks over the Vale of Evesham. Waking up to this view is a privileged.
This brings us up to present where we had another visit to Bradgate on a much sunnier warmer day. It was a shame the leaves weren't on the trees yet but spirits were high and we had a fun time looking forward to the future and having a laugh. There were some antics as one of our troupe (Denzil) fell into the stream flowing through the park which was hilarious.

Watch the video of the fail here:

After that Denzil being the professional badass he is dusted himself off and got to work like the rest of us; and we produced some awesome images.

Now here Is where it ties in to the digital stuff like I mentioned earlier. I then did an extra final digitally in about 2 hours work time. I am really proud of this and has widened my eyes as to what I'm capable of digitally and really inspired me to what I can do.
started of as a grey scale wip

with colour overlay then a normal layer on top for some corrections and fine detail.

Now when I was creating this and when I finished this I definitely got this feeling in my stomach I was doing the right thing. Over the last few weeks things have really accelerated in both my personal work ethics and in my studies at the uni. Things are all clicking into place and I've got this urge to do more and more and more and push myself, become skilled, to sculpt, to write, to think and use critical thought. To evaluate what I do and what others do and go the extra mile to achieve what I can. This course has taken a leap and now I know that this is undeniably the course for me because it has allowed me to grow as a person in 1000's of ways. I am not the same man I was when I joined the course and if all the changes are for the better is debatable and often depends on perspective but I am getting more excited to be in this environment every day now.

quick landscape I knocked out in 15 mins. I need to become quicker.
It will be interesting to see if I keep this up over Easter and where before I was unsure now I'm certain I am going to maintain or maybe even increase my productivity. If I am successful in this endeavour it will effect my mentality forever and I hope there is an awesome future ahead of me.

Guildhall final 2 hours

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