Thursday 23 October 2014

Toy Story: It's finished!

I left you with some shots of our assets textured and and preparing for the engine stage of the project. We have now finished our project and just done a presentation to the course lecturers which was quite successful as we showed the process of the project from beginning to the end.

Once we had our assets all together and textures finished It was my job to make sure they were all the same size, their pivot points centered and exported into engine. I also made sure that the right ones had collision meshes so that the scene could also be a playable level which was one of the groups stretch goals. Once we had it in engine the long process of putting everything in place, Importing textures and making materials (lots of adjustments too were made by all of us) began which was split between me and Calum. Lighting was done mainly by Calum but with me as a back seat driver reviewing and offering help and suggestions as we tried to figure out how to get the bounce lighting working in the scene.
Original lighting

After the many, many complication with lighting we decided we were as close as we could get with the lighting and decided to create a colour look up table to adjust the scene brightness and colour hues. This was made by Joe Shaw who then imported it back into engine before we all used some post processing volumes to adjust the ambient occlusion, exposure, saturation and added a slight red tint to the scene to match the scene to the shot as much as possible.

The Final Shot

I felt there was more we could have done and rather then write a review of that now I'm going to wait until next week before I can dissect this group project with less bias because Im still feeling buzzed from completing this awesome project.

The assets I made were: the office chair, the lamp, the matress, the ceiling, the tape dispenser, rhe broom, the bin bag box, the coins, the spray, the small cloth, the plug and the lightswitch. 

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