Sunday 12 October 2014

Past Experience: A side project

Today whilst walking home after purchasing my new sketchbook from the art shop (my last one is full already) I spied some of the first years finishing off their Archway hidden-point perspective project before hand-in on Monday the next day. This made me think of how during the first months of my first year sometimes I would do the same and rush to finish because of the "large" workload required. It was only later on in that year when I would be repeating one or two of these projects a week whilst doing the rest of my work did I realize that I was just being lazy and that I have changed a fair amount on this course. However the thing to think about is that this change in attitude toward work and output was accomplished during my first year, how am I going to change this year? I've already seen the foundations start falling into place and as I've mentioned in previous posts this year is about becoming self directed by pushing my education further as I continue my journey as a student and artist.

What popped into my head and stuck though when looking at these hopeful aspiring game artists is that the required amount of them is easily accomplished in 3 or 4 hours not 7 days. So, I sat down with them and just drew the archway as required 12 thumbs and one final. I was surprised that what I thought was right and not just me being a cocky second year but it was accomplished in the time frame I set.
As you can see they are just rough basic sketches but still better then my most of my first year stuff.

What was fun though was it also gave me another chance to meet some of the first years and talk to them about how they were finding the course. I've already met some but just like how my years was there are tonnes of them. Talking to new people is a good skill to have so while I was introducing myself I saw this as a good opportunity to practice confidence talking to new people which is an essential in such a close knit industry.

Anyway the point of this post is really to say that I have began a year (or so) long project, which is to repeat the exercises set in visual design last year in the Sunday of the week. So while this week I did the archway next week I shall draw 2 point perspective images (12 thumbs and a final). This is what I did constantly last year after Christmas and I also did this during the summer but the next step is instead of taking 3 or 4 days to do it to compress that down into 1 day on the Sunday (rest day), instead of worrying over deadlines and second year work to just go back to basics.

PS I have forgotten to upload my summer 3D projects so here are the 3D Images for my environment project. I made this in 2 weeks from start to end with concept sketches and then modeled in 3DS Max 2013 before importing it into Unreal 3. I had a 9000 tri budget with two sets of 1024x1024 textures (diffuse, specular and normals generated from height maps) and a set of 512x512 alphas

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