Friday 28 March 2014

Space Centre: Where I Am Now

Right so just before Christmas I was given the task to draw some thumbs and a final at the location of the National Space Centre here in Leicester. This is quite a funky looking building and has some cool exhibits inside so I was quite excited to get this project under way. When I look back at that project I realise that this was when I was starting to up my ante and I was just beginning to really push myself to put in the time and effort. I was doing more self directed study and throwing myself into new tasks which was admittedly not exactly what I was doing before. I did 5 A3 pages of thumbnails and a final of the sputnick replica.

I was quite happy with some of thumbs and I was definitely showing progression from my earlier drawings on the course.

Since then I have really upped my game and every week I do a secondary project on top of all my other work. I have now been able to use time management to increase my productivity and I attend labs everyday so I can focus better (I'm typing this in the labs now when back in the 1st semester a blog post like this would take twice as long because I would have all the distractions at my flat). This increase in productivity is something I am really enjoying and the more I work the more I enjoy what I get out of it. When I first started working at the labs I would go home and have a rest for a couple of hours before bed but now I even start doing work. Little bit at a time I do slightly more and this will start reflecting in my skills soon.

Now back to the subject of the space centre. Recently we were told to do another space centre project to show improvements from the earlier attempt. I did find this quite funny at the time though because I had just a couple of days before done a self directed study of the space centre during my reef and gladiator projects. So I used my time to do 4 A3 pages filled with tightly packed thumbnails that were of a nice quality and a A3 final. I decided to combine this work with the self directed work because they were done at the same time. My technique has improved and my speed at doing the thumbnails has increased.

I think even though the quality hasn't improved loads I know my speed a the amount of work I do has. During this space centre project I also finished a 3D project made a presentation (about Blade Runner) and I did a self directed project on the Abbey pumping station. I've learnt how to keep working and the more I work the better I will become.

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