Tuesday 14 January 2014

Semester 2 Begins!

Right, So recently the second semester has started after the Christmas celebrations ended and I've been able to throw myself into my new assignments with glee and I'm starting to notice improvements from the beginning of the academic year in September. During warm-ups for our life drawing it really struck me how much I've improved in the space of only 4 months. The changes are there and even if it isn't noticeable to all it marks a step in the right direction.

Here is one of my early pictures from September 2013:

These are short 2 minute war-up exercises involving continuous line, opposite hand and blind drawing.

And here are the equivalent ones for January:

Now to some it may not seem like much but to me it shows the hard work is paying off. I must thank my teachers at De Montfort University as well for helping me.

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