Thursday 31 October 2013

The Beginning

My name is Max Bostock and I was born on July 20th 1995. I grew up in the countryside of Worcestershire near the Cotswolds. It's a very scenic area with plenty of trees, large fields, hills and streams, all the things the countryside is known for really. This did provide a wonderful place in where I could draw and paint which for me was just fine. I would draw and paint, I always enjoyed it but I never saw it as something I could do concerning myself with other plans for the future but never settling on any specific goal. I just wanted to have fun as you do.

My first experience of video games was hearing, shortly followed by watching, Tetris being played on the Gameboy. From then on if I was visiting a friend who had video games I could play I would pounce at the opportunity because it was such fun. Games like Pokemon, Jak and Daxter and Tony Hawks always make me smile when I think about them. My fascination with games has not stopped yet and it has shown no signs of stopping so far.

Seeing as I enjoyed art at home I figured that I would choose it for my GCSE's. During this time I learned very little about art itself but I did learn that it was something I actually wanted to do. I didn't enjoy the projects set throughout the course but I did enjoy drawing and painting. I tried to capture the world around me. At the end of GCSE's I jumped straight into A-levels with a passion for art but certainly not for the course, which seemed to do its best to stop my enjoyment with projects that had vague titles like "colours of music".

It was at this period when I looked at my art and asked myself how I was going to use it. Where should I take it? What should I make? Why should I do this? The last question was one I asked myself many times. One day it hit me on the head. The reason I like art is because I enjoy it. The same reason I go to galleries and look at art. It was also the reason I enjoyed games. These worlds are made out the art of the team behind it. That was when I knew that Game art was for me.

I found this course quickly and knew it fitted the bill for what I wanted to and after the open day knew it was a no-nonsense course which is what I needed after A-levels but also it's what I need if I'm going to succeed. I'm not sure if this made any sense to you I hope it gave you a brief background of who I am. This blog has been made because I'm going to show you my journey through this course. What I learn will be posted here along with some of my work.

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